Jesus' visit to his hometown to announce his ministry takes for the worse. Pastor Cathy describes how Jesus goes from hometown hero to the target of violence.

How did Jesus stay focused and energized for his ministry? Dr. Jeff Stueve looks at some of Jesus' Holy Habits and invites us to think about what we might learn from Jesus to help us stay focused and energized in our faith walks.

Dr. Jeff Stueve asks the question, "Who's in charge?" as we explore the baptism of Christ.

Our Advent worship series, "O Come Let Us Adore Him," provided one message for after we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas: "Home." Dr. Jeff Stueve talks about how God came to live with us in our world as Emmanuel--but that He will also one day return to take us home to live with Him forever.

Our Advent worship series concludes on Christmas Eve with this short video on JOY.